The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Androids in Earth Defense Force 6

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to kill androids in Earth Defense Force 6 (EDF 6). This guide will provide you with the most effective strategies and weapon recommendations to tackle both the small and large android variants, including their grenadier counterparts. Whether you’re a Ranger, Wing Diver, Air Raider, or Fencer, this guide has got you covered.

Small Androids

Small androids are pesky enemies that love to surround you. Using a rocket launcher against them can be risky, as it might blow up in your face. Here’s how each class can handle them effectively:


Recommended Weapon: Minion Buster or Minion Buster Burst

  • Fire a few shots to break the android’s armor.
  • Continue shooting to explode its brain and kill it.

Wing Divers

Recommended Weapons: Bolt Shooter (beginner weapon), Rapier, or Rapier D

  • Use the Bolt Shooter to deal with individual androids.
  • Switch to the Rapier or Rapier D when they group up.

Air Raiders

Recommended Weapons: Multicopter (Machine Gun) and Multicopter (Mortar)

  • Send one or two machine gun multicopters to kill individual androids.
  • Use mortar multicopters to handle groups safely.


Recommended Weapon: Any rapid-fire weapon

  • Rapid-fire weapons will clear out small androids effortlessly.

Bigger Androids

The second variant of androids is more challenging, especially when mixed with other enemies. However, the strategy remains similar to the smaller variants.


Recommended Weapon: Minion Buster

  • Keep shooting to melt their armor.
  • Use grenades like the Firecracker or T5/T44 Mouse to wear them down faster.

Wing Divers

Recommended Weapons: Mid-Range Kinetic Weapons, Destroyer Blaster

  • Use mid-range kinetic weapons to deal significant damage up close.
  • The Destroyer Blaster is effective and allows for efficient reloading.

Air Raiders

Recommended Strategy: Aggressive use of Multicopters and Limpet Gun

  • Deploy all machine gun multicopters on them.
  • Spam the Limpet Gun to quickly eliminate them.


Recommended Weapon: Mortars

  • Spam mortars to keep them at bay and deal massive damage.

Strategies for Small and Big Androids

  • Keep Moving: Constantly move to avoid being surrounded.
  • Target Prioritization: Focus on the larger androids first, then the smaller ones.
  • Dodge and Shoot: Move left or right while backstepping to make it harder for small androids to hit you.
  • Close Combat: If small androids get too close, aim for their bodies instead of their heads.

Small Android Grenadiers

These enemies are less of a threat compared to their larger counterparts. Here’s how to deal with them:


Recommended Weapon: Any Assault Rifle

  • Use the rifle to take out their bombs before they get too close.

Wing Divers

Recommended Weapon: Long-Range Weapons

  • Snipe them from a distance.

Air Raiders

Recommended Weapon: Bombers

  • Call in bombers to purge them from the battlefield.


Recommended Weapon: Missiles or Mortars

  • Use missiles or mortars to deal with them effectively.

Big Android Grenadiers

Big Android Grenadiers are more dangerous because their explosions can cause massive damage. You must prevent them from getting close.


Recommended Weapon: Sniper Rifles with Good Damage and Rate of Fire

  • Use snipers like the KFF 50 LS to take them out from a distance.

Wing Divers

Recommended Weapon: Long-Range Weapons

  • Snipe them from afar using your long-range arsenal.

Air Raiders

Recommended Weapon: Cannons

  • A couple of shots from your cannons should do the trick.


Recommended Weapon: Mortars

  • Use mortars to keep them at a safe distance and destroy them.

General Strategies

  • Let Them Gather: Allow androids to form a horde, as their explosions will damage each other.
  • Focus on Grenades: Always target the grenades first to prevent them from getting close.
  • Class Consistency: The same strategy applies to all classes – let them group up and then blow them apart.

Additional Notes:

In Earth Defense Force 6, different classes have various effective strategies and equipment choices that cater to different enemy types and scenarios.

Air Raiders have a versatile array of drones at their disposal:

  • Taser Drones are excellent for neutralizing bombs on large enemies and handling various situations effectively.
  • Sniper Drones can be used to target and detonate grenades, especially on suicide bombers.
  • Buckshot Drones are useful for dealing with regular small enemies.
  • For larger enemies, starting with Sniper Drones and finishing with Taser Drones can be a powerful combination. On Hard difficulty, Taser Drones are especially effective, though there’s a hope they don’t get nerfed.

Wing Divers excel with their energy-based weapons:

  • Phalanx W1 can destroy 2 to 4 androids in one charged shot, making it highly efficient against groups of smaller enemies.
  • Thunder Bow and the Spear Deployable offer a balanced and consistent approach. The Thunder Bow provides sufficient range and power to detonate cannonballs safely and clear out large groups of small androids with its lightning arcs. The Spear recharges quickly and can deal significant damage to large enemies, making it a reliable option when the Thunder Bow is on cooldown.

Fencers have notable equipment choices that shouldn’t be overlooked:

  • 30mm Gallic Heavy Cannons are a favorite among some players for their power and effectiveness.
  • The Fencer Shield is also highly effective, capable of stopping even large grenades, providing a crucial defensive advantage.

Players, especially those in groups, may find these strategies and equipment combinations particularly effective. While grinding is allowed, advancing beyond the group’s progress isn’t permitted, ensuring everyone stays at the same level.

By following these strategies and weapon recommendations, you’ll be able to efficiently handle any android threat in EDF 6. If you have any further questions or need additional guides, feel free to let me know. Happy hunting!

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