The Saboteur: A Comprehensive Guide to Graphic Settings Fix

Gaming enthusiasts often find themselves grappling with technical issues that hinder the seamless enjoyment of their favorite titles. For fans of The Saboteur, a 2009 classic, the struggle to configure graphic settings has been a common obstacle. This guide aims to assist those unable to access the VideoSettings configuration executable, offering a workaround to tweak graphical settings and enhance the gaming experience.

Mastering The Saboteur’s Graphics: Your Quick Fix Guide

Understanding the Configuration File:

The key to overcoming the graphical settings roadblock lies in navigating The Saboteur’s configuration file. Found in the user profile’s Documents folder under My Games > The Saboteur > Savegames, the config.ini file is the secret gateway to customization. If the file is not visible, initiating a new game, skipping or watching the opening cutscene, pausing the game, and saving from the menu creates the necessary file in the folder.

Editing the Config File:

Once inside the config.ini file, users are greeted with several options, with a focus on ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, and RefreshRate. Adjusting ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight to match your monitor’s resolution, whether 1440p or 1080p, is crucial. Setting RefreshRate to 60Hz is paramount for stability, given the game’s vintage 2009 origin.

I would emphasize the simplicity of this manual configuration process, enabling users to tailor their settings for optimal performance. Additional settings like TextureQuality and SliceQuality are open to personal preference, with higher values, such as 3, representing superior quality.

For GUI Enthusiasts: Troubleshooting the VideoSettings.exe:

Some players prefer the ease of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) but may encounter difficulties launching the VideoSettings.exe. This issue is often attributed to missing dependencies. While installing the 32-bit version of Microsoft’s Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables has reportedly resolved this problem for some, others find this step unnecessary.

I suggest visiting Microsoft’s website for the latest C++ redistributables, emphasizing that this dependency is purportedly only required for the Settings GUI, not the game itself. However, it advocates for the manual editing of the config file, a more straightforward and time-efficient solution.

While in VideoSetup.exe you may also : DISABLE “POST PROCESS FILTERS” and set resolution to 1920 x1080 at 60HZ refresh rate. Then you get rid of the stretched screen. DO THIS and enjoy your game.


In the realm of classic gaming, enthusiasts must navigate unexpected challenges to relish the experiences they hold dear. The Saboteur’s graphical settings puzzle is just one such hurdle, easily overcome with a bit of manual tweaking. Whether opting for the hands-on approach in the config.ini file or attempting to troubleshoot the GUI hiccup, this guide ensures that players can delve into the world of The Saboteur without hindrance.

Share the Knowledge:

If you’ve found this guide valuable, share it with fellow gamers encountering similar issues. The more individuals armed with the knowledge to overcome The Saboteur’s graphic settings obstacle, the broader the community of gamers immersing themselves in this timeless classic. Happy gaming! šŸŽ®

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