Holo X Break – How To Master The Game

Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating journey through the fusion of Beat’em up and Roguelike genres? Holo X Break beckons, promising thrilling challenges and heart-pounding encounters that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

In this guide, we’ll delve deep into the intricacies of Holo X Break, offering invaluable tips and expert advice to ensure you not only survive but thrive in this fast-paced adventure. Whether you’re a newcomer seeking to conquer the initial hurdles or a seasoned player aiming for greatness, you’ll find everything you need to elevate your gameplay to new heights.

Join us as we explore the essence of Holo X Break, unraveling its mysteries, deciphering enemy patterns, and uncovering the secrets to mastering this captivating game. Let’s dive in and discover what lies ahead in the electrifying world of Holo X Break.

How To Be A Master Of Holo X Break

Quick Clarifications to Address:

– THIS GUIDE DOESN’T RANK CHARACTERS. My focus lies solely on Lamy from Nepolabo/Holofive and Laplus from Holo X, as they are my preferred choices. Lamy specializes in debuffing and freezing enemies for easier takedowns, albeit requiring precise timing for her skills. Meanwhile, Laplus excels as a potent zoner, necessitating distance to efficiently dispatch foes. While I may reference Nene occasionally for her healing capabilities, this guide primarily centers on Lamy and Laplus.

– ONLINE MODE COVERAGE UNCERTAIN. Due to intermittent internet issues, I may not provide extensive coverage of the online mode upon its release. Depending on the game’s netcode and my connectivity, updating this guide with online-specific content may not be feasible. However, I’ll touch upon aspects that could be crucial for multiplayer sessions.

Basic Strategies:

Embarking on a successful run in Holo X Break requires strategic thinking and careful execution. Here are some crucial tips to guide you through the challenges and maximize your chances of victory:

Optimal Stat Allocation

  • Prioritize Attack, Criticals, and HP: These stats are key to survival and success. Higher attack and critical stats enable you to dispatch enemies swiftly, reducing the risk of being overwhelmed. Meanwhile, increased HP provides vital survivability, especially in Hard Mode where continues are limited.

Effective Item Management

  • Use Offensive Items Wisely: Offensive items are abundant throughout the game, including during boss encounters. Don’t hesitate to utilize them when necessary, as saving them for later may not always be advantageous. Consider keeping offensive items on hand, with baseballs being a versatile option for various situations.

Mastering Dodge Mechanics

  • Utilize Dodge Mechanism: Dodging is your best defense against damage, enemy crowds, and formidable boss attacks. Make use of it consistently to evade danger and maneuver efficiently through stages. Additionally, certain equipment may provide additional benefits to dodging, enhancing its effectiveness.

Strategic Spending

  • Invest in Equipment: Focus your spending on equipment rather than items. Items are plentiful during runs, while equipment upgrades offer more significant and lasting benefits. Prioritize purchasing new equipment or upgrades to enhance your combat capabilities and survivability.

Enhancements and Upgrades

  • Enhance Once, Upgrade Frequently: Enhancements are subject to RNG, making them unreliable for significant boosts. Instead, focus on frequent upgrades, particularly for equipment with ATK or CRIT stats. Reserve full enhancements for critical moments, such as before facing the final boss.

Timing Power and Abilities

  • Strategically Time Power and 2nd Ability: Avoid using charged attacks amidst enemy crowds or boss attacks. Optimal timing, such as after knocking down enemies or creating distance, maximizes effectiveness. Lamy’s freezing ability, for instance, can be strategically employed for lethal follow-up attacks.

Unleash Your Ultimate

  • Utilize Your 3rd Ability: The 3rd Ability often results in total enemy wipes and provides temporary invincibility. Don’t hesitate to unleash it, especially against large groups of enemies, to rack up combos and gain valuable EXP.

Leveraging Superchat Items

  • Utilize Superchat Items Effectively: Prioritize healing Yukimin, as they can sustain healing themselves. Collect and stack Superchat items for enhanced healing efficiency, and don’t hesitate to drop items to make room for Superchats when necessary.

Maximizing Coin Collection

  • Break Barrels for Coins: Barrels contain valuable coins, providing a significant cash boost when broken. However, assess the risk versus reward, as breaking barrels may not always be worth it depending on the situation.

Strategic Coin Collection

  • Plan Ahead for Coin and Item Spawns: Don’t fret over missed coins or items, as they will respawn in the next section. Focus on progressing efficiently, knowing that any missed pickups will reappear in the next stage.


In Holo X Break, the path to the perfect build is dictated by RNG, where even the best finds can yield varying stats. Let’s delve into two distinct equipment categories: Preferred Equipment and Alternative Equipment.

Preferred Equipment

  • Happi Coat: Offers continuous autoheal, easing the burden of managing healing items. Utilize it to regain health during moments of respite or while engaging enemies strategically.
  • Boxing Gloves: Provides a substantial attack boost to both normal and power attacks, facilitating quicker eliminations of adversaries.
  • Nurse Horn: Akin to its Holocure counterpart, this item triggers healing with each critical hit, ensuring sustained health throughout your run.

Alternative Equipment

  • Kimono: Grants healing with each ability use, serving as a reliable backup in the absence of Happi Coat.
  • Cat Pin and Dog Pin: Reduce the cooldown of your first and second abilities, respectively, offering enhanced skill utility during combat.
  • Gaki Raincoat: Offers protection against projectiles, alleviating the annoyance of constant chip damage from enemies.
  • The Secret Society Helmet: Draws enemy aggression towards you, providing a defensive boost and safeguarding allies from being overwhelmed.
  • Captain’s Hat: Transforms any healing into a party-wide effect, bolstering overall survivability for you and your allies.
  • Time Ring: Shortens the charge time of powers and secondary abilities, facilitating quicker access to crucial skills during battles.
  • School Uniform: Grants buffs when health is maintained at high levels, incentivizing cautious gameplay and rewarding strategic healing.
  • Golden Apple: Provides potent healing and faster revival, ensuring prolonged survivability and aiding teammates during challenging encounters.
  • Reaper’s Cloak: Empowers dodges to deal damage, adding another offensive dimension to your evasive maneuvers.
  • Nephilim Wings: Extends dodge and invincibility duration, offering valuable assistance for players struggling with timing-based dodges.
  • High-Spec Glasses: Increases critical hit rates as long as you remain upright, encouraging cautious play to maintain its buffs.
  • Earphones: Grants a chance to evade attacks and cause knockback, offering a valuable defensive option despite its reliance on RNG.

By carefully selecting and utilizing equipment from both categories, you can tailor your loadout to suit your playstyle and maximize your chances of success in Holo X Break. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect synergy for your character and preferred tactics.

Enemies and Bosses

In Holo X Break, understanding enemy behaviors and boss patterns is crucial for survival. Let’s break down the key aspects of dealing with both enemies and bosses:


Notable Enemies: Dog and Holo X Mages

  • Dog (Shiikuin or Chloe Orca): This midboss is formidable, utilizing bubble attacks and ramming maneuvers with super armor. Prioritize defeating it swiftly to mitigate its disruptive presence.
  • Holo X Mages: Beware of fire and ice mages, particularly the latter, as they can freeze and immobilize you. Quick action is essential to prevent becoming vulnerable to enemy assaults.


Shared Weaknesses and Strategies

  1. Telegraphed Attacks: Bosses telegraph their moves, providing brief windows for preparation. Capitalize on these openings while remaining vigilant for incoming attacks.
  2. Vulnerability After Knockdown: Exploit bosses’ vulnerability after being knocked down to unleash devastating attacks and maximize damage output. Use caution and capitalize on these opportunities to gain the upper hand.
  3. Damage During Super Armor: Although bosses have super armor, they still take damage during certain attacks. Utilize safe approaches or items like baseballs to chip away at their health between attacks.

Individual Boss Insights:

  • Hakui Koyori: Presents a formidable challenge due to syringe attacks and toxic potions. Remain vigilant and anticipate her moves to avoid being caught off guard.
  • Kazama Iroha: Utilizes mobile attacks but can be exploited due to predictable patterns. Capitalize on openings to unleash attacks while avoiding her dangerous aim-based move.
  • Sakamata Chloe: Possesses a diverse array of attacks, with particular caution advised during her rapid floor-scrubbing maneuver. Stay alert for enemy distractions and her ultimate attack.
  • Takane Lui: Beware of sudden attacks that can stun-lock you, especially when paired with environmental hazards like tornadoes. Utilize positioning and dodges to exploit vulnerabilities and counterattack effectively.
  • La+ Darknesss: Maintains distance while launching projectile attacks, requiring strategic approaches to close the gap. Beware of her orb barrier attack and capitalize on opportunities to engage at close range.

By mastering enemy encounters and understanding boss mechanics, you can overcome the challenges of Holo X Break and emerge victorious in your quest. Adapt your strategies and remain vigilant, and success will be within your grasp.

Reflecting on the Journey: A Hololive Fan Game Adventure

As the curtain draws on my Holo X Break experience, I find myself captivated by yet another Hololive fan game and compelled to share my insights with fellow players. Crafting these simple guides for the average player has been a rewarding endeavor, offering a helping hand to those navigating the challenges of this captivating game.

While my journey may pause for now, the promise of future updates, including the anticipated Online mode, beckons. Rest assured, I’ll be ready to expand upon this guide and delve deeper into the evolving landscape of Holo X Break.

Unveiling the Secret: The Feet Unlock

And now, for the long-awaited revelation: the feet unlock. Venture into stage 3 and stumble upon Ollie’s head, a seemingly innocuous object. But heed this warning: refrain from wielding it as a weapon. Clear the area first, then proceed to retrieve the head and advance to the next section.

There, amidst the chaos, you’ll encounter Ollie’s body in motion. Seize the opportunity to reunite head and body by tossing the head towards its rightful owner. In doing so, you unlock the ability to unleash the formidable power of feet upon your foes.

As we bid farewell to one chapter, let us anticipate the adventures that lie ahead in the ever-expanding world of Hololive fan games. Until next time, may your quests be filled with excitement, camaraderie, and perhaps a sprinkle of unexpected surprises.

That’s the end of this guide. Please come back again to jaagx.com for more useful gaming content. If you liked this guide please leave a comment.

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