Classic Marathon – How To Solve Colony Ship For Sale Puzzle

Welcome to the world of Classic Marathon, where challenges abound and puzzles await your cunning. Amongst the myriad of enigmas lies the infamous Colony Ship for Sale Puzzle, a conundrum that has left many adventurers scratching their heads in frustration. But fear not, for within this guide lies the key to unraveling its complexities and turning the hardest puzzle in the game into a mere sequence as easy as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7! Join us as we embark on a journey to decode, decipher, and conquer this formidable obstacle with precision and finesse.

How To Solve Colony Ship For Sale Puzzle In Classic Marathon

Countless Marathon enthusiasts have gleefully traversed the corridors of the UESC Marathon, only to encounter the daunting challenge of Jason Jones’ switch puzzle, leading many to abandon the game altogether. Witnessing this scenario too frequently, I offer a simple solution: a comprehensive guide to timing the switches, ensuring smooth progression through this level. It’s essential to have a stopwatch on hand for accurate timing. TLDR: For the first three pillars, match the switch duration with the pillar number. For the final trio, allocate 15, 14, and 13 seconds respectively, and activate the eastern wall switch to elevate pillar 4 while standing on it.

Pillar #1

On the ground floor of the control center, activate the switch for Pillar One, allowing it to ascend for merely one second before promptly deactivating the switch.

Pillar #2

Positioned within the lowest control center, engage the switch for Pillar Two, permitting the pillar to ascend for a duration of two seconds before toggling the switch once more.

Pillar #3

Situated within the primary control center you’ll likely encounter, positioned centrally in terms of both height and width, activate the switch for Pillar Three for a duration of (as you may have guessed) three seconds.

Pillar #4

Once all the pillars are correctly positioned, ascend the steps until you reach Pillar Four. Direct your attention to the eastern wall, where you’ll find a button embedded. Utilize either a charged fusion shot or a grenade to activate it. As Pillar Four ascends adequately, resume your ascent up the stairs.

Pillar #5

Remain within the central control room and activate the switch for Pillar Five, ensuring it remains on for a duration of 15 seconds. This timeframe allows the pillar to ascend fully before commencing its descent. After the allotted time, deactivate the switch.

Pillar #6

Within the highest control room, activate the switch for Pillar Six, following the same procedure as with Pillar Five. However, this time, wait for 14 seconds instead of 15 before deactivating the switch.

Pillar #7

Remaining within the upper control center, replicate the process for Pillar Seven, but this time, allow for a duration of 13 seconds before deactivating the switch, instead of 14 as with Pillar Six.

Closing The Fight

Once you’ve ascended the staircase, eliminate any lingering bugs, and position yourself on the grated stairwell-like structure. Proceed to launch grenades at both switches on the wall opposite the entrance, causing the stairs to ascend. Make your way to the doorway above as they rise. Upon reaching the elevator leading to the terminal, be mindful that if you delay too long, it may undergo its raising and lowering sequence, remaining on the floor. If it hasn’t moved after 30 seconds, activate the switches from the grated room once more.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations! You’ve triumphantly conquered the most challenging and frustrating puzzle encountered in the game, successfully overcoming the bottleneck that has stymied countless players. Now, armed with your newfound mastery, venture forth and continue your mission to vanquish more Phfor for Leela.

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