Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to “Once Human”

Welcome to the ultimate beginner’s guide to “Once Human,” your comprehensive resource to mastering the game from the get-go. In this guide, we’ll cover important aspects such as servers, worlds, map navigation, and building with friends. Let’s dive right in!

Table of Contents

  1. Servers and Worlds
  2. Map and Navigation
  3. Building and Playing with Friends
  4. Additional Resources

Servers and Worlds


What are Servers?

Think of each server as a separate instance of the game. Joining a server connects you to its unique session, complete with its own game progression and events. For example, servers PVE01-00074 and PVE01-00075 may sit next to each other physically but operate independently, maintaining separate player data and bases.

Importance of Choosing a Server

When you choose a server, you’re locked into that environment for your character’s progression. You cannot transfer character data to other servers. This means you should coordinate with friends to join the same server to ensure you can play together. Servers can fill up quickly, making it crucial to select one where your friends can also join.

Multi-server Purchases

While character data cannot be transferred, some purchases and cosmetics might be shared across servers. For official details, refer to the game’s official resources.

Server Resets

Servers reset character data at the end of each season. However, you keep important items like currencies, blueprints, weapon accessories, mods, and cosmetics. Here’s a key excerpt from the official posts:

“(3) In the new season, your character will be reset to Lv.1, and the exploration progress of the World Map will be reset as well. This ensures all players start the new season on an equal footing and can enjoy playing together. New scenario types often offer different map designs, providing new exploration experiences and rewards. Each season server will also offer new season challenges to earn new rewards.”

For more details, check out the official explanations on Paid Content Shared Between Characters and Seasons Explained.


Think of worlds as sub-servers within servers, almost like parallel dimensions. You cannot see players or their bases from other worlds, but you can interact with them via chat and friend lists. Changing your world is as simple as visiting a Teleportation Tower and selecting “Switch to another World.”

Map and Navigation

Navigating the map efficiently is key to success in “Once Human.”

Navigation Routes

  • Solid Lines: Path on the road.
  • Dotted Lines: Path off-road.

Types of Routes

  1. Task Routes:
    • Main Story Missions: Orange routes.
    • World Tasks (Side Missions): Blue routes.
    • Note: You can only track one task route at a time, either blue or orange.
  2. Landmark Routes:
    • Right-clicking on landmarks like towns or towers will create a green route.
  3. Coordinate Routes:
    • Right-clicking on open space sets a white route.

Methods of Navigation

  • Map Memory: Memorize the path using the main map.
  • Mini-Map: Follow the path on the mini-map in the upper right corner.
  • On-Screen Pings: Follow the on-screen display pings for real-time navigation.

Building and Playing with Friends


While there isn’t a separate territory system for hives (groups of friends), you can manage and build bases together by snapping the borders of your territories or sharing personal territories.

Setting Up the Hive

  1. Create the Hive:
    • Press “U” to open the team menu.
    • Navigate to the Hive tab and create your Hive.
    • Invite friends via the hive chat or the recruitment button.
  2. Join the Hive:
    • Friends need to apply to join your Hive through the link in the general or hive chat.
    • Approve their requests in the Hive tab.

Building Permissions

  1. Friending Each Other:
    • Add friends via the Hive tab.
    • Ensure friends accept the request.
  2. Granting Permissions:
    • Enable access to facilities, building, and storage for each friend.

How to Build

  1. Find a Spot:
    • Choose an empty territory and press “B” to enter build mode.
    • Green indicates a buildable area; red indicates blocked spots.
  2. Building Menu:
    • Right-click in build mode to access the building menu for foundations and structures.
  3. Blueprinting:
    • Save your base using the “House Blueprint” option to avoid rebuilding from scratch.
  4. Relocating:
    • Save your house in the blueprint before relocating to avoid potential bugs.

Wrap Up

Forming a Hive and managing permissions enables you to build and use each other’s bases seamlessly. Make sure all friends follow the steps to ensure smooth gameplay and cooperation.

Additional Resources

If you’d like more details on specific topics or have suggestions for new sections, leave a comment below. Happy building and exploring in “Once Human”!

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the servers, worlds, and maps of “Once Human,” as well as build and collaborate effectively with friends. Enjoy your adventure!

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