Sins of a Solar Empire II: Map Editor Guide

Creating a custom galaxy scenario in Sins of a Solar Empire II can be an engaging and rewarding experience. This guide will walk you through the process of using Solar Forge with the help of the Fork app to create your very own galaxy.

Step One: Getting Started

Before diving into map creation, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the Solar Forge tools. Begin by reading through the guide available on the Forge Tools GitHub page. Understanding the basics will make the entire process smoother. Although “quotes” may appear in some of the provided codes, they are not required unless specifically indicated.

Step Two: Preparing Your Tools

Now that you’re familiar with the basics, it’s time to set up the necessary tools. Start by downloading the Fork app from the official website. Once installed, open the Fork app and clone the repository from Name the repository as you wish (e.g., “Tools”). Congratulations, you’ve successfully set up the editor and are ready to start creating your map.

Step Three: Creating a New Map

With your tools in place, it’s time to start building your galaxy. Begin by selecting File -> New -> Scenario in the editor. When naming your map, be sure to include a colon (“:”) before the name (e.g., “:map name”). This is a requirement of the game engine. You’ll also need to provide a description, again using the colon format (e.g., “:Description”).

Next, set the number of players (PlayerCount) and teams (TeamCount) for your scenario. Under PlanetCounts, expand the options and decide how many planets should be generated. If you want planets to move around stars and change lanes, set CanGravityWellsMove to “True.” Otherwise, leave it as “False.”

Step Four: Generating the Map

Now that you’ve set the basic parameters, it’s time to generate your map. Begin by selecting Properties and looking under the “Diverse” section for “Skybox.” Set the Skybox to “skybox_random” (or another option if you prefer). Next, select “0: random_star” under the star options, and configure the MaxPlayerCount and StarFillingName as needed. Under “Planet Ranges,” adjust the “Count” to determine the number of planets in the solar system. Once everything is set, click on the Preview Galaxy Chart tab and hit “Generate.” The map should update with dots representing player planets, stars, and lanes connecting them.

Step Five: Saving Your Map

With your map ready, it’s time to save it. Navigate to File -> Save and save your map in the correct location. You’ll need to create a folder in your mods directory (e.g., “C:\Users\adam\AppData\Local\sins2\mods\My_new_Map\scenarios”).

Within this folder, create another folder named “uniforms” and save a file called “scenario.uniforms” with the following code:

"scenarios": [
"fake_server_scenarios": []

Replace “Your_map_name_here_please!!!” with your map’s name. You’ll also need to create a file named “.mod_meta_data” in the main map folder with the following code:

"compatibility_version": 2

Save your changes, and your map should now be accessible in the game’s Mod tab under Local.

Step Six: Advanced Customization

Now that you’ve mastered the basics, you can dive into more advanced features. For instance, you can create multiple solar systems, add minor factions, or connect solar systems with phase lanes or wormholes. To make a custom map, click on the Scenario tab and select “Bake Preview.” For minor factions, designate a planet as a “player_home_planet” and select the appropriate NPCType (e.g., Pirate, FriendlyFaction).

Feel free to experiment with different settings in Solar Forge to create the galaxy of your dreams. As you become more familiar with the tool, you’ll discover new ways to customize and enhance your maps. This guide will be updated as more features and tips become available. Happy map-making!

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