Ultimate Guide to 100% Completion of Modern Art in Crime Scene Cleaner

If you’re struggling to achieve 100% completion in the Modern Art level of Crime Scene Cleaner, you’re not alone. Many players find themselves stuck on this level, missing a piece of evidence or a misplaced exhibit. This guide will walk you through all the locations of evidence, misplaced exhibits, tapes, secrets, and even some tricky furniture that might be eluding you. Let’s dive in!


The Modern Art level can be challenging due to its complexity and the number of items you need to find and place correctly. This guide is here to ensure you don’t miss anything and can achieve that coveted 100% completion.

East Wing

General Notes

The East Wing comprises two rooms: the Yellow Room and the Red Room. The Yellow Room features an upstairs area that can be accessed via a ladder. Remember, the small lamp in front of the ladder should be placed upstairs.


  • None in this area.

Misplaced Exhibits

  • Goat Statue: Found on a table in the Yellow Room; move it to the upper passage where the pedestals with animal statues are located.
  • T. rex Bone: Found in the Yellow Room toilet; move it to the Central Exhibition’s T. rex.
  • Hands Statue: Located in the Red Room on one of the floating pieces of furniture; move it to the West Wing’s Statues Room.

West Wing

General Notes

The West Wing is more complex, featuring several rooms: the Tape Room, Bandstand, Statues Room, Tapestry Room, Maintenance Area, and a walkway to the upper passage.

Some tricky furniture pieces to locate and move include:

  • Picture on the wall in the Tape Room near the door to the Bandstand (you may need to jump to place it correctly).
  • Drum in the short passage between the Tape Room and Bandstand.
  • Ring Sculpture on a display case in the Tape Room; move it to the Statues Room.
  • Knot Sculpture in front of the Tapestry Room belongs on the pedestal there and needs to be righted.
  • Mannequins in the Bandstand need to be upright.
  • Pedestals in the Tape Room need to be moved.
  • Mask Sculpture in the Statues Room is also a piece to look out for.


  • Dagger: Found in the back of the body on the lion statue in the Statues Room.

Misplaced Exhibits

  • T. rex Tail Bone: Found in the Bandstand; move it to the Central Exhibition’s T. rex.
  • T. rex Hand Bone: Found on the lion statue in the Statues Room; move it to the Central Exhibition’s T. rex.
  • Painting: Located on the walkway to the upper passage; it only fits in one specific place.

Upper Passage

General Notes

The Upper Passage is mainly home to missing paintings, with three of them found here.


  • None in this area.

Misplaced Exhibits

  • T. rex Tail Bone: Lying on the floor; move it to the Central Exhibition’s T. rex.
  • Yellow Chair: Found in the central paintings area; move it to the East Wing’s Yellow Room.

North Exhibition

General Notes

The North Exhibition consists of the Maze Room, Duck Room, and Triceratops Room. There’s also a small passage accessible via stairs in the Duck Room. A body with a T. rex bone is found at the end of this passage, but the bone belongs in the Central Exhibition, not here.


  • Katana: Stuck in one of the bodies in the Duck Room.
  • Sword: Also stuck in one of the bodies in the Duck Room.
  • Note: Found in a box next to a body in the small passage.
  • Shield: On a body in the Maze Room.
  • Toy Gun: Behind the Triceratops.

Misplaced Exhibits

  • T. rex Bone: Stuck in the body in the Maze Room.
  • T. rex Bone: Found on the floor near one of the bodies in the Duck Room.
  • Red Chair: Found in the Maze.
  • Red Chair: Found in the Duck Room’s corner.
  • Egyptian Head Statue: Found in the Triceratops Room; move it to the West Wing’s Statues Room.
  • Ball Sculpture: Located in the Maze Room, in one of the basketball hoops; move it to the Sculpture Room.
  • Feather Sculpture: Found on the Duck Room floor; move it to the pedestal just outside the Duck Room with two other feathers.


General Notes

You must enter the Cafeteria on the upper floor from the Upper Passage to open the door on the lower floor to the Central Exhibition. Be cautious when sweeping, as chairs may move slightly and need to be repositioned correctly. Two types of chairs are present, and they are not interchangeable.

Some tricky furniture pieces to move include:

  • Two small tables stacked across from the bar, which need to be placed correctly.
  • One table from the lower floor needs to be moved to the upper floor, and one chair vice-versa.
  • One chair is located outside the lower floor Cafeteria entrance.


  • Phone: Found on a small table across from the bar.
  • Bets Sheet: Found on the bar.

Misplaced Exhibits

  • Yellow Computer Chair: Found behind the bar; move it to the East Wing’s Yellow Room.
  • Guitar: Found behind the bar; move it to the West Wing’s Bandstand.
  • Red Chair: Found near the lower entrance; move it to the East Wing’s Red Room.
  • Painting: Found near the lower entrance; move it to the Upper Passage.

Central Exhibition

General Notes

The Central Exhibition is the heart of the Modern Art level, centered around the large T. rex. The left and right references relate to standing in front of the T. rex.

Some tricky furniture pieces to locate and move include:

  • Quadratic Painting: Behind the small T. rex statue on the left; move it to the paintings section.
  • Quadratic Painting: Near the entrance to the Triceratops Room; move it to the paintings section.
  • Jaw of T. rex: Directly beneath the T. rex.
  • Fire Extinguisher: Behind the T. rex and to the left, near the toilets; move it to its case on the wall to the left of the door.
  • T. rex Bone: Found in the “illusion passage” outside the Cafeteria.
  • T. rex Bone: Stuck in a body in the small upper passage accessible from the Duck Room (may fall down with the body when sweeping nearby).
  • Dinosaur Egg: Right in front of the pedestal that already has two eggs.
  • Ichthyosaurus Statue: Found behind the T. rex and must be moved.
  • Wall Display with Avian Dinosaur: Next to the T. rex and must be moved.
  • Painting: Left of the Yellow Room doors is askew.
  • Paintings Area: A big painting must be moved; one of the missing quadratic paintings is lying here.


  • Dagger: Found in the body in front of the small T. rex statue to the left of the main T. rex.
  • Game Rules: Found next to the T. rex.

Misplaced Exhibits

  • Painting: Found in front of the Statues Room entrance; move it to the Upper Passage.
  • Head Statue: Found on the pedestal with feathers, right of the T. rex; move it to the West Wing’s Statues Room.
  • Red Chair: Found next to the T. rex; move it to the East Wing’s Red Room.
  • Head Sculpture: Found at the top of the stairs to the left of the T. rex, to the right of a smaller T. rex; move it to the West Wing’s Statues Room.
  • Yellow Chair: Found near the T. rex.
  • Part of Drum Set: Found to the right of the T. rex; move it to the West Wing’s Bandstand.
  • Spiky Ball-like Sculpture: Found in front of the entrance to the Statues Room; move it to the West Wing’s Statues Room.
  • Yellow Globe: Found to the right of the T. rex, on a pedestal with two dinosaur eggs; move it to the East Wing’s Yellow Room.


Keep an eye out for the following bodies, as they play a part in the level:

  • Yellow Room Upstairs
  • Bandstand
  • Lion Statue in the Statues Room
  • Under the Small T. rex Statue to the Left of the Big T. rex
  • Duck Room (#1)
  • Duck Room (#2)
  • Maze Room
  • Small Upper Passage from the Duck Room (May fall down to Central Exhibition when touched)
  • Cafeteria, Behind Bar
  • Triceratops Room, Behind/To the Right of Triceratops


There are several tapes scattered throughout the level. Here’s where to find them:

  • Kokko Kann: Found in the Red Room, next to the radio.
  • Garbage Band: Found in the Bandstand, appears after you enter, light goes out, and music plays.
  • Roma: Found in the small upper passage from the Duck Room, in front of the box with the evidence.
  • Economy of Pain: Found in a mannequin’s hand after solving the katana secret.


There are a couple of secrets in this level that you should be aware of:

  1. Tape Room Secret: In the Tape Room, there’s a yellow tape high on the wall. You can interact with it by climbing on the transparent tape boxes (interact with them to open them). You may need your ladder to reach the first tape box. Interacting with the yellow tape opens a sliding wall to the left.
  2. Maze Room Secret: In the Maze Room, there are TVs with colored screens in one of the corners. Interact with them so that the top row (left to right) is pink, grey, green, and the lower row is orange, blue, grey. A door to the right opens, allowing you to take the katana and slash the mannequins to leave the room again.


With this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to achieve 100% completion in the Modern Art level of Crime Scene Cleaner. Whether you’re finding evidence, locating misplaced exhibits, or discovering hidden secrets, this guide has you covered. Good luck, and happy cleaning!

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