Gundam Breaker 4: Melee Movesets Guide

In Gundam Breaker 4, mastering melee combat can significantly enhance your gameplay experience, especially if you enjoy close-quarters combat. When wielding melee weapons, most suits perform basic combo strings with one-handed attacks. However, equipping the same type of weapon in both hands (or using weapons that require two hands) unlocks a broader range of specific combos. This guide will break down various melee movesets, including light and heavy attack strings, special attacks, and unique charge moves.

Understanding Melee Movesets

Melee combat in Gundam Breaker 4 primarily revolves around executing combos with light and heavy attacks. The following notations will help you understand the movesets:

  • L/R: Refers to using the Left or Right attack button.
  • : Indicates an attack performed while holding the forward direction key.
  • A/O: Suggests that an attack can be performed with either hand and needs to be comboed into the other weapon.
  • (h): Denotes that an attack button should be held down.
  • (c#): Indicates a charge attack, which is unique to Axes and Greatswords. Charge attacks have four levels, denoted by the number (#).

When initiating a melee attack from a distance, your mobile suit will often boost towards the target, which counts as part of the weapon’s combo string and can be used as an effective opener.

Melee (Fists) Moveset

Ground Combos

Light String: L > L > L > L > L > L
The fifth attack is an uppercut that knocks down the opponent, followed by a kick on the downed enemy.

Heavy String: R > R > R > R
The third attack is a spinning kick that causes knockback and knockdown, and the fourth attack launches you into the air before delivering a powerful meteor kick to the downed target.

Meteor Kick: R↑(h) or L > L > L > L > L > R
This move launches your mobile suit into the air and crashes down onto the opponent. Unlike similar launchers from other weapon types, the initial leap deals no damage.

Uppercut Launcher: L > L↑(h)
A strong uppercut that sends the opponent flying upwards and backwards, ideal as an opener.

Kick Launcher: L > R↑(h)
A launching kick that propels your suit and the enemy into the air.

Closer: L from a distance
A simple dash punch that acts as an excellent combo starter.

Spin Kick: L > R
A sweeping kick with knockback and knockdown effects.

Headbutt: L > L > R
A charging headbutt that knocks back the opponent.

High Kick: L > L > L > R
A high kick that sends the opponent spinning through the air.

Ground Slam: L > L > L > L > R
A powerful ground slam that creates a shockwave, knocking back nearby enemies.

Flurry Attack: Any L Combo String position > L(h) or R(h)
At any point in the light string before the sixth attack, hold an attack button to perform a flurry of blows. Holding L will launch a rush attack with rapid punches, while holding R delivers a series of high kicks.

Batista Bomb: R(h)
A devastating grab move where your suit lifts the opponent into the air and slams them down, ideal for close-range combat.

Air Combos

Aerial Light String: L > L > L > L > L
The fourth attack delivers a high knockback kick, followed by a finishing kick.

Aerial Heavy String: R > R > R
A sequence of punches ending with a meteor kick that brings both you and the opponent back to the ground.

Aerial Grab: R(h)
A slow but rewarding move that grabs and spins the opponent midair.

Aerial Spin Kick: L > R
A sweeping kick with knockback.

Aerial Headbutt: L > L > R
Similar to the grounded version, but performed in the air.

Overhead Slam: L > L > L > R
A double-handed downward strike that sends the opponent crashing to the ground.

Comet Kick: L > L > L > L > R
Aerial version of the Meteor Kick, performed from the air.

Greatsword Moveset (Work in Progress)

Greatswords, along with hammers, offer a slower but more impactful moveset with a focus on heavy-hitting strikes and flashy acrobatics.

Ground Combos

Light String: L > L > L > L > L
The third attack is a push, followed by two spinning strikes.

Heavy String: R > R > R
Each attack serves as both a closer and a knockback source, allowing you to juggle opponents over long distances. The third hit launches enemies, setting up further combos.

Charge Attack: R(c1-4)
Holding R charges your weapon through four levels, each indicated by color (White, Blue, Green, Red).

  • Level 1-2 Charge: R(c1/2)
    A spin attack that knocks enemies prone and launches them upwards.
  • Level 3 Charge: R(c3)
    A multi-hit launcher where your suit performs repeated backflips, lifting the opponent higher with each hit.
  • Level 4 Charge: R(c4)
    Concludes with multiple spins and a powerful downward strike, delivering massive knockback.

Air Combos (To Be Determined)

Stay tuned as we continue to expand this section with detailed aerial combos for Greatswords and other weapon types.


This guide was created to document the fist moveset, providing an easy reference for the most enjoyable weapon set in the game. The plan is to cover forced two-handed weapons next, followed by dual wield movesets, and possibly the simpler one-handed strings. Feel free to share any preferences or suggestions for what should be added next!

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