Star Trucker Guide: Tips and Tricks for New Truckers and Veteran Haulers

Welcome to my Star Trucker Guide! Whether you’re a fresh recruit on your first haul or a seasoned space trucker cruising the cosmos, this guide is here to help you navigate the stars like a pro. From optimizing your routes to outsmarting intergalactic authorities, you’ll find tips, strategies, and tricks to keep your rig running smoothly. Dive into the best practices for upgrading your ship, maintaining your equipment, and overcoming the challenges of deep-space trucking. Buckle up, it’s time to dominate the stars!

This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as I continue to learn and experience more in the game. Your feedback is invaluable as I’m committed to making it as comprehensive as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this guide, and safe travels!

Introduction to Star Trucker

Overview of Star Trucker

Star Trucker is an immersive space simulation game where players take on the role of intergalactic truckers, transporting goods across vast star systems. Blending resource management, exploration, and strategic planning, the game emphasizes customizing your rig and optimizing trade routes. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your skills, this guide will provide the knowledge you need to master the galaxy.

Getting Started

Basic Controls and Interface

Movement Controls and Interface

Learning to maneuver your rig is the first step to mastering Star Trucker. Here’s a quick rundown of the basic movement controls and interface elements:

  • Rig Navigation: When seated in your truck, look for the “Truck Controls” display at the top right of your screen. This panel shows all essential controls needed for navigating through space.
  • Acceleration and Deceleration: You can hold the opposing action button (accelerate or decelerate) to slow down or speed up. When coming to a complete stop, the direction you held won’t immediately reverse unless you release and press it again. This makes precise maneuvering and braking smoother.
  • Emergency Braking: In tight situations where you need to stop immediately, use the emergency brake lever. Be cautious—it consumes oxygen, so use it sparingly to avoid depleting your reserves.

  • Walk Controls: While navigating inside your rig, the walk controls become visible, allowing you to move around and interact with different parts of your truck.

  • Zero-G Controls: When you’re out of your seat and the “Gravity Compensator” is offline, Zero-G controls will help you maneuver in weightless environments. Mastering these controls is essential for performing repairs or salvaging materials outside your rig.

  • Suit Controls: When you suit up for a spacewalk, new controls appear specific to your suit’s capabilities, including managing your thrusters, oxygen, and suit integrity. Pay attention to these controls, as spacewalks can be risky.

User Interface Overview

Understanding your ship’s interface is crucial for managing your resources and keeping your rig in peak condition:

  • HUD Elements: The Heads-Up Display (HUD) provides essential information such as your rig’s health, fuel levels, oxygen supply, and cargo status. Familiarize yourself with these elements so you can make informed decisions on the fly.
  • Buttons and Levers: Your cockpit is filled with various buttons and levers, each serving a specific function. Spend some time getting to know these controls, from adjusting your ship’s power distribution to toggling navigation modes.
  • Information Screens: Several screens display detailed information about your rig, including system status, cargo conditions, and route mapping. These screens are your lifeline in space, so make sure you understand how to access and interpret the data they provide.
  • Camera Angles: Utilize different camera angles to get a better view of your surroundings, both inside and outside your rig. This is particularly helpful when docking at stations or navigating through debris fields.



Navigating the vast reaches of space as a Star Trucker is no easy task, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can turn the toughest hauls into smooth rides. Whether you’re learning the ropes or refining your veteran skills, this guide is your go-to resource for conquering the stars. Keep an eye out for future updates as this guide grows and evolves based on new discoveries and player feedback. Safe travels, trucker!

Stay Updated

Remember, this guide will be regularly updated as I continue my journey in Star Trucker. If you have tips or strategies you’d like to share, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make this the ultimate resource for every space hauler out there!

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