Spectre Divide: Ultimate Guide to Sponsors and Future Tech Kits

Spectre Divide is a thrilling, unsanctioned sport where players leverage the power of future tech to gain the upper hand in combat. At the heart of this intense battlefield are the Sponsors—corporations that provide players with specialized kits designed to suit various playstyles. This guide will delve into the different Sponsors available in Spectre Divide, their unique abilities, and how to make the most of their offerings to dominate your opponents.

Understanding Sponsors in Spectre Divide

Sponsors in Spectre Divide play a pivotal role by supplying players with advanced technology, or “kits,” that can be used strategically during matches. Each Sponsor offers a unique set of abilities that cater to different combat styles, whether you’re inclined to trap enemies, support your team, or go on the offensive.

How to Choose the Right Sponsor

Choosing the right Sponsor is essential for aligning with your preferred playstyle and maximizing your effectiveness on the field. Each Sponsor kit is designed with different combat tactics in mind and can be used in combination with Duality, a feature that lets equipment be shared between both of your Spectres. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each Sponsor and their specific abilities:

1. Pinnacle International

Pinnacle International offers a blend of offensive and supportive tools to keep you agile and adaptable in combat.

  • [Q] Splinter Grenade (Free – 75s Recharge): A grenade that explodes into 8 splinters, each dealing 40 damage. Perfect for area control and applying pressure.
  • [E] Adrena-Link ($200): A Spectre-linked stim that heals 80 health over 10 seconds. While healing, you can switch to your Spectre for enhanced vision and movement speed, allowing you to reposition strategically.
  • [C] Flash Grenade ($250): This grenade explodes after 1.6 seconds, blinding all players in line of sight. Use the ALT FIRE option for an underhand throw with a quicker 1.0-second detonation, ideal for close quarters.

2. Morrgen United

Morrgen United specializes in area denial and disruption, ideal for controlling the battlefield.

  • [Q] Smoke Shift (Free – 60s Recharge): Deploys a smoke cloud for 14 seconds, obscuring vision. ALT FIRE lets you deploy a smoke grenade and your puck simultaneously, enhancing your Spectre’s stealth capabilities.
  • [E] Meltdown ($200): Creates an area of caustic fluid that deals 168 damage over 7 seconds. Use this to deny space or force enemies into unfavorable positions.
  • [C] Hidden Grasp ($200): Deploys a trap that cloaks after deployment. The trap explodes upon enemy proximity, creating a slow zone for 10 seconds, perfect for controlling choke points.

3. Bloom Technologies

Bloom Technologies focuses on defense and healing, providing robust support options for you and your allies.

  • [Q] Hex Barrier (Free – 30s Recharge): Deploys a barrier that blocks bullets with each section having 150 health, useful for shielding allies during engagements.
  • [E] Twin Mend ($200): Heals a damaged ally and their Spectre for 80 health over 10 seconds. ALT FIRE allows self-healing and Spectre healing simultaneously.
  • [C] Swarm Grenade ($200): Releases a swarm of bees for 12 seconds that block vision and deal 8 damage per second to enemies caught inside, ideal for disorienting and softening targets.

4. Ryker Industries

Ryker Industries offers reconnaissance and tactical traps, enabling you to control enemy movements and gather intel.

  • [Q] Wave Scan (Free – 45s Recharge): Deploys a sonar spike that pulses 3 times, revealing enemies hit for 3 seconds. ALT FIRE allows the spike to bounce once before sticking, offering flexible deployment options.
  • [E] Hull Mine ($200): A proximity mine that sticks to the ground and detonates with 3 explosions, each dealing 15 damage to nearby enemies.
  • [C] Arc Sentry ($200): Deploys a sentry that heavily slows enemies in its line of sight, perfect for area control and setting up ambushes.

5. Vector Dynamics

Vector Dynamics excels in mobility and damage amplification, allowing you to reposition quickly and boost your offensive capabilities.

  • [Q] Dual Amp (Free – 30s Recharge): Deploys a marker at your location and grants a 15% fire rate buff for 8 seconds. Reactivate to teleport your Spectre to the marked location and apply the buff, with kills resetting the duration.
  • [E] Vector Wall ($200): A slow-moving nanobot wall that blocks vision for 10 seconds. ALT FIRE increases wall speed but reduces duration to 6 seconds.
  • [C] Nano Sphere ($200): A bouncing nano swarm that deals 90 damage over 2.5 seconds to the first enemy hit, effective for chasing down fleeing opponents.

6. Ghostlink Collective

Ghostlink Collective offers stealth and misdirection, perfect for players who prefer subterfuge and tactical play.

  • [Q] Partition (Free – 45s Recharge): Deploys a wall that blocks line of sight for 8 seconds, unaffected by terrain, and slightly blurs vision on contact.
  • [E] Dupe ($250): Deploys a duplicate of your current body for 5.5 seconds and leaves another dupe behind when you use Puck Throw, tricking enemies and revealing those who attack your dupes.
  • [C] Distortion Field ($200): Creates a distortion field that blurs vision for all players inside for 10 seconds, useful for breaking enemy lines or covering retreats.

7. Muu Robotics

Muu Robotics provides advanced healing and vision-obscuring drones, enhancing both offensive and defensive tactics.

  • [Q] Patches (Free – 60s Recharge): Deploys a healing drone that moves forward, healing you and allies for 80 health over 12 seconds. ALT FIRE keeps the drone stationary, perfect for holding positions.
  • [E] Dazzler ($200): A flying drone that follows your crosshair, exploding after 1 second and obscuring enemy vision within line of sight.
  • [C] Hyper Dome ($150): Deploys a grenade that creates a Fast Recall Zone and a shield dome with 150 health on impact, lasting 14 seconds, ideal for staging quick retreats or setting up defensive holds.

8. Umbra Reconnaissance

Umbra Reconnaissance excels at scouting and revealing enemy positions, providing invaluable intel for strategic plays.

  • [Q] Recon Wing (Free – 50s Recharge): Deploys a drone that sticks to the first surface it hits and reveals nearby enemies for 2.5 seconds, with the option to fire at a Target Marker to trigger the reveal there.
  • [E] Pulsefinder ($200): Equips a scanner that pulses every 2 seconds for 30 seconds, revealing enemies and leaving markers on their location, which can be used for coordinated strikes.
  • [C] Glare Burst ($150): Deploys a drone that charges and blinds players in its area of effect for 4 seconds, which can also be used on a Target Marker for precise flash effects.

Tips for Maximizing Sponsor Effectiveness

  1. Synergize Abilities: Combine Sponsor abilities with your Duality to create powerful combos. For example, using Bloom Technologies’ Hex Barrier while deploying Muu Robotics’ healing drone can create a fortified, regenerating defense.
  2. Adapt to the Situation: Flexibility is key in Spectre Divide. Don’t hesitate to switch Sponsors between matches to counter specific enemy strategies or to suit the map’s layout.
  3. Master ALT FIRE Options: Many abilities come with ALT FIRE options that provide alternate uses or enhanced effects. Mastering these can give you a strategic edge and make your plays less predictable.
  4. Coordinate with Your Team: Sponsors like Bloom Technologies and Muu Robotics shine when used in coordination with teammates. Communicate effectively and plan your ability usage to maximize your team’s overall effectiveness.


Understanding and effectively utilizing the various Sponsor kits in Spectre Divide is crucial for success. Each Sponsor brings a unique set of tools that cater to different strategies, from offensive assaults to defensive holds and tactical subterfuge. By choosing the right Sponsor and mastering their abilities, you’ll be well-equipped to dominate the battlefield and lead your team to victory.

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