Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2: Eternal War – Annihilation PVP Guide

Welcome, loyal Brothers and Heretics alike, to the battlefield of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. This guide is focused on the “Annihilation” ruleset within the Eternal War PVP mode. In this mode, reckless behavior like running headlong into a meat-grinder of enemies can spell doom for your team. The key to victory lies in coordination, strategic play, and an understanding that feeding the kill count of the enemy is a surefire way to lose the match.

Drawing from extensive experience in Space Marine 1 and the now-defunct Eternal Crusade, this guide will walk you through the essential tactics for mastering Annihilation, helping your team secure victory while earning valuable rewards.

Play to Win, Not for the K/D Ratio

In PVP, your personal leaderboard position is irrelevant if your team loses the match. Unlocks and rewards are tied to victories, so aim for team success over individual glory. Play the objective, be a team player, and sacrifice personal stats if it means pushing your team closer to victory.

If you’re more concerned about K/D than teamwork, Annihilation may not be the best mode for you.

The Basics of Annihilation

Annihilation is essentially team deathmatch. Each team has a shared kill counter with a limit of 50. Your goal is simple: secure kills while minimizing deaths. The first team to reach 50 kills wins, but how you play is just as important as how many kills you get.

Key Concepts:

  • Kills Matter: Unlike other modes, in Annihilation, each kill counts. Keep your team’s death count low by playing carefully and supporting each other.
  • Team Coordination: The mode encourages players to stick together for safety and strength in numbers. Running off solo is a quick way to feed kills to the enemy team.
  • Victory Unlocks: Weapon and armor unlocks are based on victories rather than individual performance. You’ll gain more from winning with fewer kills than from losing with a high K/D ratio.
  • Weapon and Class XP: The experience points you earn from victories are based on the equipment and class you finish the match with, so stick with your class to maximize gains.

General Tips for Team Success

To win in Annihilation, there are several key behaviors that every player, regardless of class, should follow:

  1. Ping Often: Use the ping button to mark enemies, call out locations, or alert teammates to key areas. This is especially important if you’re not on voice comms with your squad.
  2. Know Your Class Abilities: Whether you’re playing as Tactical, Assault, Vanguard, or another class, know how to use your abilities to complement your team’s strategy. Abilities like healing, shielding, and stuns can turn the tide of battle.
  3. Don’t Lone Wolf: Going off alone in this mode is a recipe for disaster. Stick with your team and provide cover or support.
  4. Organized Pushes: A well-organized team moves as one unit, covering each other and focusing fire to take down enemies efficiently.
  5. Support Your Bulwark and Heavy Allies: These classes can absorb significant damage, but they need cover fire and support to maximize their effectiveness.
  6. Focus on Team Victory: All rewards are tied to winning matches, not to how many kills you get. The more your team wins, the faster you’ll unlock new gear and achievements.

Class-Specific Tactics

Each class in Space Marine 2 offers distinct advantages in Annihilation. Understanding your role and how to complement your team is key to securing victory.


  • Auspex Scanner: The Auspex scanner is invaluable in Annihilation. It allows you to see enemies through walls and gives your team bonus damage on marked foes.
  • Role in Combat: Stay back, scan frequently, and use the visibility advantage to set up ambushes or avoid getting overwhelmed by the enemy team. The more intel you provide, the easier it will be for your team to coordinate attacks and prevent ambushes.


  • Jump-Pack Mobility: With your jump-pack, you have unmatched mobility. Use it to dive into fights, stun enemies with your landing, and help clean up fights your teammates are engaged in.
  • Guardian Role: Your primary role is to act as a mobile strike force, finishing off weakened enemies or breaking enemy lines. Pay special attention to enemy heavies and bulwarks, as your mobility allows you to deal with them effectively.


  • Grapnel Gun: The grapnel gun gives you excellent mobility and the ability to zip across the battlefield. Use this to flank enemies, pick off stragglers, or retreat to safety when needed.
  • Picking Off Stragglers: Vanguard excels at closing the gap quickly to take down isolated enemies or to avoid enemy fire. Play smart and use your mobility to stay alive while disrupting enemy lines.


  • Shielding and Tanking: Bulwarks are built to absorb damage and disrupt enemy firepower. By holding up your shield and tanking enemy attacks, you force enemies to waste resources while your team lines up kills.
  • Role: Be the focus of the enemy’s attention. Either they focus on you, allowing your teammates to clean up, or they ignore you at their own peril while you chip away at their forces. You may not top the kill board, but your value to the team is undeniable.


  • Ranged Support: As a sniper, you can either provide long-range covering fire or sneak through more obscure angles for close-range ambushes.
  • Supporting Allies: If you’re using a rifle, focus on picking off enemies that threaten your allies, particularly bulwarks and heavies. If you’ve opted for a more close-combat loadout, try to catch enemies by surprise while they’re distracted.


  • Firepower and Shielding: The heavy class provides overwhelming firepower with an Iron Halo shield that protects both you and your allies.
  • Role: The heavy is key in pushing forward to secure ground or holding a defensive line. Position yourself strategically to shield your team while laying down suppressive fire. Remember, your shield benefits everyone, so always think about your team’s positioning.

Team Dynamics: The Key to Victory

In Annihilation, team coordination is everything. Whether you’re playing a supportive tactical role or leading the charge as an assault marine, the goal is always the same: support your team and minimize deaths. Staying together, watching each other’s backs, and working as a unit will always outweigh individual efforts.

Final Thoughts

The Annihilation ruleset in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is a brutal test of team synergy, skill, and patience. By playing smart, pinging enemies and locations, and sticking with your teammates, you’ll not only secure victories but unlock more powerful gear and weapons along the way. Embrace the team-oriented mindset, and you’ll find that victory comes far easier than chasing personal glory.

Prepare yourselves, Brothers. The battlefield calls, and the Emperor’s will must be done!

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